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Communications – Sa-Dhan


Sa-Dhan continuously and consistently engages with media both at national and state levels. The media engagements are from sector development perspective. Media has widely covered the sector. Regular updates were shared with media on policy announcements, sensitising media on the Credit Guarantee Scheme, Regulatory Framework for Microfinance loans, MFI operations, operational hazards of the sector, press meets were held in Manipur and Odisha. Sa-Dhan has been quoted by different media houses in more than 200 articles in the last one year. The team has been visibly aggressive on social media platform as well. Sa-Dhan worked tenaciously to identify trending stories about sector, fake news about the sector, response to media and/or netizen queries among others and has effectively used Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to narrate stories and position the Association as an organisation that is a repository of knowledge. Sa-Dhan is regarded as a thought leader and media regularly reaches out to the association for critical.


Early-bird Registration will start on 11th August 2023. This will ensure your confirmed participation.  All delegates will be provided a digital pass to attend the conference. The registration form can also be downloaded from the Sa-Dhan website. There is also a provision for spot registration at the conference venue.

Registration Fee Covers
  • Admission to the Conference Sessions
  • Lunch and refreshments during the Conference
  • Networking Platform
  • Conference Kit
  • Complimentary Copy of Bharat Microfinance Report – 2023
Registration fees can be paid through Demand Draft / Online Payment. International payments can only be made through wire transfer.
Please be noted that the fee doesn’t cover accommodation.
REFUND POLICY: Requests received in writing before 15th October 2023 will be considered for cancellation. A 10% handling charge would be deducted from the registration fee and the balance refunded by cheque. No amount will be refunded after. The registration form with the payment details should be sent to conference@sa-dhan.org