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Our Board – Sa-Dhan

Our Board

Mr. K Paul Thomas(Chair)


Mr. Sadaf Sayeed(Co-Chair)

CEO, Muthoot Microfin

Mr. Mukul Jaiswal(Co-Chair)

MD Cashpor Micro Credit

Dr. VN Salimath(Treasurer)

MD, IDF Financial Service

Mr. Anup Kumar Singh

MD, Sonata Finance Private Limited.

Mr. Royston Braganza

CEO, Grameen Capital India Limited.

Ms. Arpita Pal Agrawal

MD & CEO, Dia Vikas Capital Private Limited.

Mr. Ganesh Chandra Modak

MD, Grameen Shakti Microfinance services Private Limited.

Mr. A Ramesh Kumar

Chairman & MD, LaRaksha Impact Finance Enterprise Private Limited.

Ellipse 52

Mr. Nagendra Mali

MD, Navachetana Microfin Services 

Independent Members

Ms. L Leivang


Mr. U S Paliwal

ED (Retired), RBI

Mr. Jugal Kishore Mohapatra

IAS (Retd), Secretary (Retd), Ministry of Rural Development, GoI

Mr. Ajay Kumar Kapur

DMD -SIDBI -(Retired)

Ms. Rupali Kalita

Ex MD & CEO -North East -SFB


Early-bird Registration will start on 11th August 2023. This will ensure your confirmed participation.  All delegates will be provided a digital pass to attend the conference. The registration form can also be downloaded from the Sa-Dhan website. There is also a provision for spot registration at the conference venue.

Registration Fee Covers
  • Admission to the Conference Sessions
  • Lunch and refreshments during the Conference
  • Networking Platform
  • Conference Kit
  • Complimentary Copy of Bharat Microfinance Report – 2023
Registration fees can be paid through Demand Draft / Online Payment. International payments can only be made through wire transfer.
Please be noted that the fee doesn’t cover accommodation.
REFUND POLICY: Requests received in writing before 15th October 2023 will be considered for cancellation. A 10% handling charge would be deducted from the registration fee and the balance refunded by cheque. No amount will be refunded after. The registration form with the payment details should be sent to conference@sa-dhan.org